Orthodontics for Children in Reston, VA

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic check-up at the age of seven. However, if your child is younger than seven and you notice something that appears "off," you don't need to wait until they turn seven or until you receive a recommendation from your dentist. Early consultations are beneficial, and at Reston Orthodontics, they are free!

By the age of seven, children typically have a mix of baby and adult teeth. This is an ideal time for an orthodontic evaluation because Dr. Kim can identify if a problem exists or if one is developing. Early treatment aims to create a favorable environment for permanent teeth as they emerge.

Phase I Treatment

Phase I treatment usually begins at the average age of eight to nine. This early, focused intervention addresses specific issues to prevent future, potentially irreversible problems. Phase I treatment is limited in scope but can significantly impact your child's dental development, setting the stage for healthier permanent teeth.

Phase II Treatment

Phase II treatment commences once a child has lost all their baby teeth. This comprehensive phase focuses on completing the alignment of teeth and jaws, building on the foundation laid during Phase I. Phase II ensures that tooth and jaw alignment is fully optimized, providing long-term benefits to your child's oral health.

At Reston Orthodontics, we prioritize early evaluations to intercept and manage potential orthodontic issues effectively. Dr. Kim's expertise ensures that your child receives the best care tailored to their unique developmental needs. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment at our Reston orthodontic office if you have any concerns about your child's dental alignment. Early intervention can make a significant difference in their smile's future.